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Together! In The Midst Of Uncertainty

Recently, I heard a speaker on a podcast express her experience of being heard. “When I’m heard,” she said, “I feel seen.”

Hearing her, I once again felt the importance of sharing in community where our experience matters.

Together is a weekly zoom call opportunity to be heard and be seen while held in a loving environment of compassion.

The call begins at noon with a silent mediation, a reading, and then open sharing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. All Are Welcome!

When: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday

Time: noon - 1:00 p.m.

Please join us and share it with a friend!

Stay well and Stay Connected!

Zoom Call: Meeting ID: 207 079 159

PW: 664547

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If you would like to contribute financially to these calls being held each week, please see the donate button below. I appreciate your financial support!